Guidelines for Submitting Commentary to NPR

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What are the guidelines for submitting story ideas, press releases or commentary to NPR?

Story ideas and press releases should be submitted via our contact form. Select 'Submit a story idea or press release' from the 'I Want To:' field on the contact form. You will then receive the appropriate prompts for directing your submission via that form. Be sure to select a specific NPR program when submitting.

Send your commentary (with the words "Commentary Submission" in the subject line) to Morning Edition: or All Things Considered:

We look for commentary or essays that tell a tale, reveal a personal reflection, or add an informed perspective to events in the news. We want pieces that express an original idea with clear, creative writing. While many essays are from regularly scheduled commentators, we also want to hear from people who can comment on a once-only basis.

General guidelines: • Send one or two written commentaries in the body of the e-mail. Because of security and virus concerns, we are unable to open e-mails with attachments. • Each commentary should take about two-and-a-half minutes to read aloud (about 450 words in length). • Please include your name, address, daytime telephone number, and e-mail address.

Please note that submissions do not guarantee your idea will be broadcast.