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Super Form
- Dan: Media has created it and it will be rolling it out shortly.
- it's an omnibus form that anybody can fill out.
- If you need a press release, blog post, a calendar event, or live stream coverage.
- (at least a week for live stream coverage)
- This would let us know in advance when folks need an event livestream.
- Rene: seems like there are 3 roles:
- Producer: chilling behind the computer
- Streamer: streaming the stuff!
- Support: somebody who follows the streamer & handles communication (live tweeting, txt messages, irc)
- [Link To Rene's Descriptions]
Upcoming Events
- Feb 25th: Occupy the T
- Rene volunteers to produce
- March 1st: Rally at Dewey, at 1PM, followed by a march.
- Rene volunteers to produce
- March 18th: VFP March
- Media had asked us to do a livestream training on the 25th.
- This might not be the best day because of the T action as well as OBR construction in e5
- Let's push it back to Sat the 3rd, 2:30 to 4:30, e5
- We should have a meeting to dedicate to planning the training session
Livestream Ethics
- Tracy: Don't talk about your boyfriend.
- If you're with the OB Live team you should remain neutral.
- Rene: we should right down points of behavior that we're all consenting to follow
- Rene: When we do the training it would be good to get somebody from Media who deals with external media to talk about how to "look professional and shit"
- Be aware that you might get harassed by the police if we're livestreaming.
- Rene: Perhaps, as livestreamers, we shouldn't even talk to the police.
- If the event has a chance of arrest we should prepare for the consequences
- Back Up phones before the event
- Install remote-wipe software on the phone
- Give the producer access to wipe your phone with a certain code-word
- How should we handle the streaming of possibly illegal actions? Consent?
- Livestreamers should be respectful (and not assholes)
- What do we do in situations where we're asked to stop streaming? At a meeting? At an action?
- At a meeting we should respect the wishes of the group running the meeting.
- At an action, perhaps the livestreamer can move to exclude the person who doesn't want to be streamed.
- Is it our responsibility to make ourselves known as a livestreamer?
- Legal or ethical responsibility?
- If we're at a grey-area event we should actively seek the consent of the group to get permission to stream.
- Perhaps we can get stickers for our phones that say "Occupy Boston Livestreamer"
- Battery Packs:
- Media has a bunch of battery packs, but they're sometimes difficult for some members of the live team to get a hold of
- Rene: Logistics and inventory & store them, and we can use a sign-out method.
- Maybe we should have a joint meeting with Media to sort out equipment issues. Perhaps on Wednesday, 22nd.
Livestreaming at GA
- Do we do it anymore, or does facilitation take care of it?
- Doesn't really matter, as long as it gets done.