Mass GA Call to Action - March 14th

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Occupy the MBTA Working Group – 02/18/2012

Subject: Call to action for Massachusetts-wide endorsement of and mobilization for two major actions in the coming months: March 14thand April 4th.

The GOALSof the Occupy the MBTA campaign are to:

  1. DEMAND no fare hikes, no service cuts, and no worker layoffs!
  2. DEMAND a comprehensive transportation plan that works for the 99% of Massachusetts
  3. raise awareness of economic inequality, privatization and other mechanisms of class warfare
  4. to further unite the 99% of Boston and Massachusetts

Meetings: Occupy the MBTA Working Group will continue to meet each Friday at 6pm at SEIU615, 26 West St. near Park St. station, to continue planning for these events and many smaller actions around the MBTA's public hearings to build momentum. We will also be at Occupy Boston Strategic Action Assemblies at 5pm on Sundays, working on creative actions such as music, street theater, and visual media.

March 14th– Lunch break Flash Mob at the MBTA Board of Directors Meeting

At this meeting, the MBTA Board of Directors will discuss their final solution for covering the MBTA's $161 million deficit. This will almost certainly include fare hikes, service cuts, and layoffs, all unacceptable ways of forcing working people to pay for a problem that they didn't create. Join with Mass Senior action to denounce these short-sighted and damaging proposals.

12:30-1:30 – lunch break flash-mob / Street theater 'Traffic Jam' outside the hearing

3 pm - Visit your state representative to hand over demands

5 pm – Occupy the commute, flyering, mic-checking, and singing on the MBTA/commuter rails

April 4th– 'WISCONSIN STYLE' MBT(GA) at the State House

The MBTA Board of Directors will finalize their proposal at this meeting. April 4th also has important historical significance because it is the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s “breaking the silence” speech as well as his assassination one year later in 1968. We will model this day of action on Madison, Wisconsin in 2011, where thousands of people occupied the state house in protest of Gov. Scott Walker's ban on collective bargaining for public unions. Although centered on public transportation, this action will be an opportunity to speak out against all forms of class warfare, where profits of the few come before the needs of the many.

1 pm – Protest MBTA board meeting at transportation building with Mass Senior Action

3 pm – People's Hearing & MBT(GA) inside the State House. Testimonies from affected individuals and groups from across the state.

5 pm – Rally inside to keep the hearing going. Everyone will be heard!

Contact us to get involved!

Twitter: @OccupytheMBTA



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