Occupy Allston

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Occupy Allston

Chris Knighton xknighton@gmail.com

Occupy Allston-Brighton was founded shortly after the eviction of the Dewey Square occupation, and held its first General Assembly at the Palestine Cultural Center for Peace on the night of Thursday December 15. About seventy individuals attended and discussed reasons for their interest in Occupy Allston-Brighton and what they want it to achieve. Common themes from our discussion included the desire to organize around the local issues of: Community Disconnect, Neighborhood Outreach, Sexual Harassment and Rape Culture, Housing Issues and Landlords, Gentrification, Permanent Meeting Spaces, Anti-oppression, and Economic Injustice. We scheduled our next General Assembly for January 5th, time and location TBD. In the meantime, Occupy Allston-Brighton organizers will undertake community outreach with the intention of drawing an attendance to January 5th's GA which is as representative and inclusive of the neighborhood as possible.

For more information: Contact us via email: <occupyallstonbrighton@gmail.com> Join our email list: http://groups.google.com/group/occupy-allston-brighton Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/occupyallstonbrighton Twitter: http://twitter.com/occupyallstonbr

solidarity, -chris Occupy Allston/Brighton:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/occupyallstonbrighton Twitter: http://twitter.com/OccupyAllstonBr Google Group: join by emailing: occupy-allston-brighton@googlegroups.com