Participatory Budgeting/Meetings

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note: these are outdated agenda points. They will be edited and ready for the next meeting.

Goal of this meeting:   prepare for the participatory budget process

                Education – intro to participatory budget process  (done)

                Scheduling – deciding what/where./when to hold the full sessions  (done-  1 month from now- March 11 Sunday pending availability)  need number and name from Gregory or Linda to make phone calls.

                Participation – defining what we need to do to ensure adequate involvement in the process

(discussed including working groups not represented with people taking point on inviting wgs).

                Preparation – determining what needs to happen before the meeting and ensuring it gets done

(calling this group a subcommittee)

                Preliminary discussion – discuss the challenges we face and how to solve them

Education –

                Introduce Prof Green & ask her to describe the participatory budget process  (done)

                Present & interact so everyone is comfortable with the proposed process

Scheduling - 

                Proposed format:  2 workshops –
