Union vs Business Campaign Spending

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All Contributions (2009-2010)

	Grand Total 	Democrats 	Republicans 	Dem % 	Repub %
Business$1,367,082,973 	$661,573,901 	$631,129,597 	51% 	49%
Labor 	$96,639,270 	$65,372,056 	$4,490,442 	94% 	6%
Ideological $138,984,158 $61,947,561 	$54,119,642 	53% 	47%
Other 	$215,179,297 	$108,240,161 	$98,615,460 	52% 	48%

Contributions from Individuals (2009-2010)

	Grand Total 	Democrats 	Republicans 	Dem % 	Repub %
Business $975,679,204 	$493,535,035 	$462,697,246 	52% 	48%
Labor 	$9,924,653 	$456,451 	$33,520 	93% 	7%
Ideological $55,867,800 $27,504,792 	$20,459,686 	57% 	43%
Other 	$208,829,760 	$106,980,520 	$97,921,360 	52% 	48%



Union contributions topped $64 million during 2010, with 93 percent going to Democrats, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.


This doesn't seem complete, though. It's just showing "single contributors", not the totals.

outside spending: http://www.opensecrets.org/outsidespending/index.php

Total by Type of Spender, 2012 (so far)
Type of Group 	Total Spent 	# of Groups
Registered 	# of Groups
Spending to date
Super PACs: 	$117,768,385 	582 	92
Parties: 	$5,178,398 	27 	15
Others (Corporations, unions,
individual people, other groups, etc): 	$21,265,840 	184 	160
Grand Total: 	$144,212,623 	793 	267

