Welcome to Occupy's spin-off Forum. This space is designed for...
solidarity, sovereignty, mutual responsibility, governance...
Details of issues which vilify the status quo. This section provides empirically founded information. (largely redundant, but what isn't? there ought to be a list of a number of nominal issues that clearly point out grave issues)
the 'meat' of the forum is here.
Discussion of ideas which are meant to either 'fix' the old or rise from within the old in order to replace it. Speculations should rely on systems thinking, group discussions, expert acknowledgment, and raw 'man-hours'.
Arise only after a great deal of speculating, must follow a standard structure that can be understood/followed by the general forum. May contain 'levels' of passage.
Events / Direct Actions
may be the product of a proposal(?).
The creation of events/actions that aim to enhance community via educational methods. (marches, rallies, 'bank transfer day', etc)
Meetings / Assemblies
list of all upcoming wg meetings (if possible, include the agenda)
all meeting materials (minutes), history of such-and-such,
- sub-assemblies - standard 'start' preload (use 'project.omw' if unable to preload here...)
- proposals - standard preload
- replace GA with GF (general forum)
- replace WGs with SF (sub-forums)
- create WGs under SFs
- WGs should be temporary, and designated to complete a specific task as defined by the SF