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Media working group meeting 12/28/11

In attendance: Josh, Nathan, Jo-Jo, John, Farhad, Dcheeno, Wildebeest, Rachel, Eli, Ryan, Acacia, Matt, Liam, Deborah, Sage, David, Kendra, Randy, Laura, Deb

Josh and Laura's first media meeting - Welcome welcome!

Eli - SMS system. Proposal: create a new text group to keep people in the loop on Occupy activities. We have 1,800 people signed up for the emergency system, but we are under agreement not to send other kinds of communication. We could text the emergency list and ask them if they want to opt in on more frequent communication.

A group of people could be setup as curators to manage they system,, with the understanding that any messages that need to go out be group approved.

Rachel: Can we formulate some guidelines for its use?

Approved: The name of the new system to be OBUpdates.

Info tent First Night

There will be livestream.

Liam - Use high def cameras to make Utube videos

Martin - Wants to have a stationary camera.

Ryan - Not going to be too many people sitting in front of their computer watching the livestream.

Liam - Will train some people to use on First Night.

Livestreams roll in conjunction with mobile unit will be able to do live videos around the city.

Resolved: not to have an actual tent at First Night.

Esplanade will be the center of 1st Nite action, so we could have a table there.

Wildebeaste - We should have a thank you list for people who donate.

Eli - We need an list of actions, so we can divvy up tasks.

There will be actions around the city so there will need to be at least 6 teams, and they can overlap at different times of day.

Info will be canvassing all day. We will need people who can follow them around and record it, from 12 to 5 pm. Then they come back to the church, regroup and go out again for the march and evening activities.

Occupoetry - Deb will be attending and has a camera. There's going to be more than 8 poets involved though, and there will be readings at different places. Deb will be embedding with poetry.

Mobile projector unit, anybody willing to walk around with them and record?

Parade: Starts at 5:30 pm. Starts infront of Hynes convention center, ends at Beacon Street. Two at convention center.

Resolved: No physical tent, but media will be following info and direct action to video actions and interactions..

Next day reports on First Night: Everybody who covers a different part of it writes about what they see, then send it to the media list.

Deb - Old news is like old fish - ignored. We will need to get our reports posted as soon as possible to the external media outlets on New Year's day.

Monday Jan 16th Community Meeting hosted by media for the whole OB community

We need a speaker.

We will need snacks for 200.

Rachel - Get a student she saw from Boston Day and Evening school who put on a fantastic presentation.

We should do a poster or invitation for this event marketing the theme.

Farhad - Instead of making the poster ourselves, we should get someone who doesn't regularly come to meetings to train them to become an activist.

Possible themes: Everyone is a journalist, you are Occupy Boston. Looking at media bias.

Resolved that ' Everyone is a journalist' will be the theme.

Headline of poster/invitation should have something about media in it.

Program for meeting

1) Overview needed: Kendra responsible to write it working with Eli, and then talk to each subgroup of media to get a overview of what they do.

External - Kendra, Mulitmedia desription - Liam

Other topics proposed to cover include Twitter, Facebook, Website, Occupy the issue, press releases, media aggregation, Boston Occupier, radio, tv,

We ought to have a meeting on this specifically.

There should be an emcee at this meet introducing people and transitioning from one speaker to another

Farhad - we need to write a mission statement soon. We in media intuit our mission, but we ought to have it plainly expressed in writing.

Articles to be written

Blog post about D30 action at Dewey Square (Matt)

Will need a in house reporter and a photog/videographer.

First Night Can we do one big press release for all the Occupy Boston first night actions (Josh G)

Citizen's United - press release first priority, then someone from media needs to coordinate for actual CU events. Eli volunteers. Laura and Rachel can help with liason.

Blog Post - About the new community forum discussion list. Farhad will ask Inreach to take over the responsibility of promoting that.

How media handles events

Eli - wants to assign a media officer or media coordinator to manage all the mulitmedia around an event.

Kendra - we should develop a template or checklist for this role.

New media twitter account

Gunner started it, Eli has access, Farhad has access. Anybody interested in managing that, youre more than welcome. We could use it as a twitter account for promoting articles from external media.

We have a new flicker account.

To auto-repost or not from website to Facebook

Current auto-reposting Twitterfeed software doesn't allow fb sharing.

Randy - Should check whether Twitterfeed has a toggle setting to allow sharing.

John - Concerned about rapid response manual reposting. Example: posting announcement on Xmas eve morning for the Xmas evening vigil for Arredondo event. Who's around on holidays? How to avoid 'dead air' between time posted to website and time posted to fb.

Eli - Better written fb posts will generate more engagement, interaction and more sharing to improve movement building and invite activism.

Eli - There's a meeting of Facebook admins (currently 27) this weekend. Will discuss manual posting there.

John - Follow up with listserv comments that mentioned more high functioning auto software than Twitterfeed.

Tabled until next week.