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Proposed Agenda
- May First
- Computer for Radio
- New Media lists
- Everybody list
- Community Forum Email List
- Review of Tickets
- Keep in mind media re-org
- Groups
- Transfer Domain
Occupy Arlington
- MLs on riseup (no more Google Groups)
- Website will be moving to May First
May First
- The server was returned.
Computer for Radio
- We can turn one of the computers over to OBR for use in their studio.
- Brandon will talk with Rene about getting it to e5.
New Media Lists
- Report back from last post-media meeting.
- Media Bubbles: Livestream, blogging, twitter, facebook, cel.ly
- What do we do with the 'media contact thing' on the website?
- We should create a media-discuss and media-inquiry list
Everybody List
- Logistics (Rene) is on board, as well as Anna from safer spaces, as well as Matt from facil.
- Inreach and Media aren't really active any longer.
- Brandon can be the rep from OBIT.
- Our procedure probably doesn't have to go to GA.
- How do we keep the everybody list updated?
- Rebuilding the list would be convenient but wouldn't let people unsubscribe
- We could keep people in the list but mark them as 'no mail'
- Does mailman provide hooks?
- We can have a 'cache' list of email addresses
- We should create everybody-request with those people listed above
- Brandon will do this
- Those folks on everybody-request should have permissions to post messages to the actual everybody list
- #73: Varnish is serving cached copies of the mobile site.
- We can probably move to a mobile subdomain (m.occupyboston.org). This also allows us to turn off user agent detection.
- We'll temporarily turn off the mobile plugin until the issue is resolved.
- #75: Top menu bar is broken
- We can't reproduce it, so we're going to deprioritize this ticket.
- #16: Wordpress User Management
- The user permissions editor has been installed and we can deal with permissioning problems as they arise.
- #17: Installing plugins from wordpress UI should be disabled.
- We'll leave this open until it's been verified to be take care of.
- #70: Cannot preview posts on wordpress
- Problem with varnish, this has been fixed
- #76: Tighten mediawiki caption using Asirra
- We haven't had wiki spam in over a week, so changing this to feature request rather than bug.
- Upgrading to a more recent version of media wiki is a good idea. Should create another ticket for that.
- #52: Featured Action Bit for Wordpress
- Deprioritizing for now because of media dissolution
- #42: Dev environment for wordpress
- Ross & Steve will work on this
- #44: Fix mobile wordpress site
- We'll close #73 and superceed it with #44
- #28: Livestream Aggregation:
- Wishlist
- #43: Ridiculous Share Plugins
- brandon will take this
- #69: info@occupyboston.org
- worksforme: we're not responsible for forming groups to take care of info emails
- #77: other info@occupyboston.org
- wontfix: because the email goes to a single individual we're not going to publish it on the blog as info for all ob.
- #58: trac captcha doesn't work
- closed since we now require authentication to open new tickets
- #65: enable comments on GA page on wordpress
- pinged Matt H. on this.
- What's the current state of development?
- Stalled.
- Lot's of pressure to get CSS change committed to make it pretty.
- Ross has done a lot of CSS work for Drupal 6, let's convert that to play nice with Drupal 7.
- Dana can talk with Ross about that.
- Ross has done a lot of CSS work for Drupal 6, let's convert that to play nice with Drupal 7.
- Randy suggests having a design competition.
Transfer Domain
- brandon will ask lefty to contact Jason and get the domain transferred to us.
Next Meeting
- Wed. May 9th. We'll meet as toscanini's in Cambridge at 6:00 pm. Afterwards, we go to Bil's birthday party; Out of the Blue Gallery, 106 Prospect, Cambridge.