v2dev hackathon notes (7/1/2012)
Brandon, Steve, Dana, Jared.
Hackathon notes
We had a short hackathon, from 1-3pm.
We installed a new theme on v2dev. It's called BOAT ("Boston's Occupy Arlington Theme"), and it's based on OAT ("Occupy Arlington Theme"). OAT is a Drupal 7 Zen theme, which was designed to mimic the look of occupyboston.org. Steve created OAT for http://www.occupyarlingtonma.org.
Brandon is working on visual editing tools (some combination of Wysiwyg, TinyMCE, Insert, File Fields, and/or similar modules).
Steve plans to work on Forum theming.
Dana's trying to figure out why v2dev stopped working on his laptop :(
E5 Community Support Gathering
E5's landlord wants them out on August 1st. This is a very unfair, and very impractical deadline. Brian K organized an E5 community support gathering from 3-5pm. We ended our hackathon early, to join the E5 community gathering.
If you can help support E5 through the eviction process, there's a mailing list for coordination: https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/support-e5
E5 community support gatherings will be held 3pm on Sundays.
OBIT Meetings at E5
Suren confirmed our E5 reservation request for Thursday 7/5/2012.