Working Group Expense - December 2012

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Transaction Detail by Working Group (Class)
December 2012
Date Transaction Type Num Split Account Class Name Memo/Description Amount
Community Gathering
12/14/2012 Check 111 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) 6005 - Expenses:Community:Community Food Community Gathering Rich Levy 200.00
Total for Community Gathering 200.00
Decolonize to Liberate
12/27/2012 Cash Expense 1001 - Cash:Decolonize Cash Box 6212 - Expenses:Infrastructure:Communication:Data/Internet Decolonize to Liberate Michelle Walsh 44.52
12/27/2012 Deposit 1001 - Cash:Decolonize Cash Box 7010 - Other Income:Interest Earned Decolonize to Liberate 0.20
Total for Decolonize to Liberate 44.72
Financial Accountability
12/07/2012 Check ACH 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) Expenses:Community Financial Accountability City of Boston 40.00
12/07/2012 Check ACH 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) Expenses:Community Financial Accountability City of Boston 50.00
12/11/2012 Check 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) 6205 - Expenses:Infrastructure:Bookkeeping Financial Accountability Intuit 42.45
12/20/2012 Check 1021 - Cash:CPCU Personal Savings (2985) 6201 - Expenses:Infrastructure:Bank Charges Financial Accountability CPCU 3.00
12/24/2012 Check 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) 6201 - Expenses:Infrastructure:Bank Charges Financial Accountability CPCU 28.00
12/31/2012 Check 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) 6201 - Expenses:Infrastructure:Bank Charges Financial Accountability CPCU 28.00
Total for Financial Accountability 191.45
12/21/2012 Check 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) 6260 - Expenses:Infrastructure:Rent or Lease Logistics ExtraSpace Storage 738.00
Total for Logistics 738.00
12/24/2012 Check 112 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) 6212 - Expenses:Infrastructure:Communication:Data/Internet OBIT Mayfirst 100.00
12/24/2012 Deposit 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) 6212 - Expenses:Infrastructure:Communication:Data/Internet OBIT Mayfirst (100.00)
Total for OBIT 0.00
12/14/2012 Check 106 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) 6008 - Expenses:Community:Community Legal S17 Erica Russo 150.00
Total for S17 150.00
12/14/2012 Check 103 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) 6015 - Expenses:Community:Direct Action:Food S30 Carolyn Magid 75.00
Total for S30 75.00
Strike Debt
12/14/2012 Check 109 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) 6360 - Expenses:Working Groups:Rent or Lease Strike Debt Joe Cugini space 50.00
12/14/2012 Check 109 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) 6340 - Expenses:Working Groups:Food Strike Debt Joe Cugini Food 100.00
12/16/2012 Check 1000 1022 - Cash:CPCU Business Checking (0334) 6003 - Expenses:Community:Donation Strike Debt Rolling Jubilee 500.00
Total for Strike Debt 650.00
Saturday, Mar 16, 2013 08:24:23 PM PDT GMT-4 - Cash Basis
