GA Minutes Tue August 21 2012
21 Aug 2012
- In Copley Square plaza.
- Steve R, facilitator
- Dana note-taker
- Approximately 32 people present
- Check out OWS S17 promotional video:
- Puppet Cooperative is open Tuesdays, 2-7:00 pm. Great place to build things
for Street Theater as well as banner making.
- Nurses Union is reserving buses for S17. Maybe will allow OB to conserve resources.
- FAWG update: Changes include Greg Murphy stepping down. Concerns regarding GA
allocation of financial resources. Linda from FAWG would like to revisit participatory budgeting process.
- There were 2 discussion proposals:
- A discussion proposal concerning the funding proposal for 99% Radio passed at last GA
- A discussion proposal about the organizing for S17