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Who are we?

We call ourselves the Dewey Square Ad Hoc Chorus, but we're really just a bunch of folks out to share songs in support of Occupy Boston, and we'd love to have you join us! We've got a lot of fun songs, including classic and new protest songs, union songs, and general rousing chorus songs, and we're on the lookout for more.

Upcoming Sings

Unless otherwise specified, all of these are noon-1pm on the Dewey Square Plaza, kitty-corner from South Station:

  • Sunday, November 27, 2011 (and some of us will go for dim sum after)

...but the OccupyBoston calendar has the definitive schedule.

We gather ~11:45am at the North corner of Summer St. and Atlantic Ave in Boston, kitty-corner from South Station, next to the glass&metal pyramid MBTA entrance; you can't miss us.

Anabel Graetz may lead some informal warm-ups between 11:50 and noon, but those are strictly optional.

But do take a look at Anabel's Tips for Singing Outdoors!


Here is a list of songs we've sung or are considering singing. It's not exhaustive.

We'll have copies of our evolving lyrics booklet, Songs for a Cheerful Occupation, and the Occupy Boston library has about some copies of an earlier version -- go help yourself! We'll upload the contents in editable form when we have time.


As an alternative to discussion over email, you can view and edit this page to share comments about format, schedule, lyrics, songs you'd like to sing, and songs you could help lead.

Mailing List

We have a mailing list for planning and announcement of sings:

If you want to join it and that didn't work, try this instead:

It should give you an error message along with a usable subscription form. (Yes, that's ugly, but we're working on it.)