WG/OBIT/Email Creation
Creating Email Accounts and Email Lists
To create email accounts and email lists, you will need access to the MF/PL control panel. If you do not have the login and password, you will not be able to create these accounts.
Creating an Individual Email Account
Creating an individual email is a two step process:
0. Creating a user account
Once you're logged into the control panel you should see something like:
Top >> Occupy Boston >> Mail hosting order for occupy boston.
Click on "User Account"
Click on "add new item"
Fill out the form, with a First, Last, username, and password.
You can either create a random password or enter a custom password here. Note: This password will be used for logging into the email account. Make sure you give a copy to the account owner. And instruct them to change their password by logging in at https://members.mayfirst.org/cp
Skip the fields after password, and click "Submit"
1. Creating an email account
Now that you have a user, you can create the email account.
Click on "Email Address" from the tabs.
Click on "Add a new item"
Type in an email address name, i.e. "obit"
Choose @ occupyboston.org as the domain extension.
Select the username you created from the last section.
Click "Submit"
=== Creating a