Occupy News Network
Welcome, to the Occupy News Network Working Group! Please be patient as this wiki is being developed as a work in progress that will continually change and adapt to the needs of occupy, and the 99%. Our purpose is to start and operate a 24 hour streaming news network on behalf of OccupyBoston, for the benefit of all occupies, and all the 99%. This effort will be in collaboration with other WG's and Occupies to bring forward news and information to all occupies and the entire 99%
We will be setting up a meeting schedule as well as announcing this group at GA very soon. Thank you all for your patience, contributions, and support.
- 24/7 coverage of the movement's activities
- Broadcast and report on feeds from around the world
- Syndicate radio and video streams from other Occupies in exchange for reciprocation
- OBRadio
- livestream/OccupyBoston
- Video archives
- Manpower
- Editors
- Researchers
- Engineer
- Communication
- Bulletin Board/Mailing List