Volunteer Coordination

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This page is just for the actual volunteer coordination group. If you're a volunteer looking to do something other than coordinate other vols, please go to the [Participate] page. OR go straight to the VOLUNTEER DETAILS page to see specific jobs.

Volunteers go to http://groups.occupyboston.org/wg/volunteer-info the new groups web site. Volunteers please input your email and click on any working group links that interest you.

Working Groups you can go to your own groups site http://groups.occupyboston.org/og and create wiki-like files, files, tasks and when you save, click on your WG and on Volunteers and that item will also show-up on the Volunteer-info site.

For more infoEmail Us. You can also email the InfoTent who are onsite.

For emergencies: Terra, 978 808 7173

list of poster links

Internal Volunteer Info

Interesting video called "Who Who Who is in control" was made to be an example to demonstrate to students how their how own creative process and imagination can evolve into ideas with substance. The filmaker, Ryan Maguire, a Professor in the Foundation and Illustration Departments at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University, did not intend to create a piece about the OWS demonstrations, but the final sequence arrives to a call to action in support of the Occupy Boston Movement. Attached is his statement that explains the project and concept evolution in detail.

Crowd Sourcing Platforms List