User:Mcktimo/semantic mediawiki (SMW)
semantic mediawiki (SMW)
might be something we consider implementing. There are many extensions. Out of the box it would be a nightmare to support.
Have you seen the posters at the site where there is some question in big print and then everybody marks it up adding their ideas. It is very cool. Noah transcribed a couple of them into word clouds. Also cool.
Having a way to aggregate ideas on the wiki might be useful. Tagging ala blogs is a possibility Semantic mediawiki extends tagging beyond category:tags. It adds markup like [[is a::city]] to pages. Having 300 people tag their own and anybody elses pages might not actually work out.
ideas that might work
Pages on the wiki have an overlap in what they are talking about. there a lots of ideas about what to do about the 'financial sector' or 'taxes' for instance or on ways of creating a 'participatory democracy'. Those pages could be anywhere. We are also educating ourselves reading Taibbi or Klein or ... It could be useful to assemble ideas by topic/subtopic.
What the tagging process might look like
We could start by developing a baseline collection of terms that we might want to tag with. We could automate this a bit by scanning documents with and find the 'social study' terms. In SMW format the social study terms would become property pages.
There could be a way to make a first pass on a document putting it through a 'machine' that finds words matching the property tags and marks the document with the tags and the contexts in which that tags occur. Then the author could make refinements by hand.
What the aggregation process might look like
what's in the box
Mediawiki itself aggregates for you by
- special:categories lists all the categories and clicking on each category lists the pages that have included that category tag.
The SMW basic tools aggregate for you by
- giving you pages for each property tag in which are listed all the articles that include that tag.
- listing all the property tags and the number of times they have shown up