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Demands/Message vs No Demands/Message

This is suggestion for a topic for a Speak out. Maybe a pro/con format:

Con: Demands are futile. Goals and strategies to meet those goals are something that is within our control. The president has been demanding a lot of things lately and gotten nowhere. If we want Bank Reform, we need to stop patronizing the culprits. If we want campaign finance reform, we need to stop voting for candidates who cater to special interests. If we want to stimulate manufacturing in the US, we need to stop buying cheap crap from China. We can't just sit around and stomp our feet until someone else meets our demands. We need to be the change. We need goals and a solid strategy.

June-teenth Demonstration--Emancipation Day

This is a very big holiday w/in the African American community. Planning a large demonstration on that day, 6/19 (?), would give folks something to look forward to that is inclusive and takes a lot of planning, like a whole winter of it.

Move Your Money Day, 11/5

This is a national call to move money into local credit unions. It could create big changes. All we really need to do is flyer large crowded places. There's a flyer on their website, which I've had no luck getting to Outreach. Other ideas:

I'd love to get a group of people together to make handmade invitation.

A didgeridoo aimed at the Federal Reserve that says, "Mooove Yaaa Money".

Camp Protectors Pledge

During the resistance to the Contra wars undertaken by Reagan, some people signed a pledge to turnout if there should ever be a credible threat to invade Nicaragua/El Salvador.

It's a great tactic. We could use it to get people to pledge to come out should the camp ever be threatened with removal or when a new camp needs to open up.

Mass Emailing for Actions

Can an email go out to everyone on all lists when ever there's an action? Or a CD? Or maybe a form that lets people decide when they want to hear from us---like when the camp is threatened?

Peace Song Radio Call In

Choose a day, any day, like June-teenth and ask everyone to call requests for peace songs into their favorite radio station.

Tea Party Tax Debate Challenge

Challenge the Tea Party to a debate about taxes at the Tea Party ship...they just opened a new one, an d there might be events to flyer/hang a debate on...we'd need "ringers" from Dollars and Sense, the magazine. And a funny mc, like Jay Leno and a funny right winger, but there are none. Get sponsorship from accountants and tax attorneys and bean counters.

Pen Pal A Stock Broker

Hook Individual occupiers up with Stock Brokers, etc. and ask them to write to each other...and to, eventually, allow their correspondence to be published. Us and open letter to the Wall Street Journal. and a blog.

Move the Camp to South Station for the winter

Organize a rally to support the move, on Thanksgiving. "We're going home."

Move the Camp to South Station for the winter

Organize a rally to support the move, on Thanksgiving. "We're going home."

Flyering Challenge for Off Site Supporters

Ask off site supporters to show up to flyer crowds at other events and marches, but also non-political events. Create a contest/acknowledgement system, like getting a button every time you show up and give out a hundred fliers. Use Off Site Supporters Affinity Groups, or Poffs--Pods of Friendly Friends.

POFFS, Affinity Groups of Off Site Supporters or

Pods of Friendly Friends; groups of five people connected to each other by email and to the OB mailing list, who come down to the site occasionally and want to be connected to others who also come down occasionally.

Even better, people connected to each other, in POFFS, with funny names, are more likely to show up to do things like flyering, protecting the camp, etc.

Some people will even want to do it to meet strangers or with friends.

"die in" at health insurance co's council annual meeting

Find out when their big meeting is and have a mock "die in" from denied claims. Feature real people who's claims have been denied. Lead in w/24 hour reading of health insurance horror stories.

24 hour reading of health insurance horror stories

Great lead in to any single payer demo; easy to organize, can be done on site or a sit in at a health insurance co....or in some public space that they've paid for....less dangerous...a little research into many private goliaths underwrite public space these days....maybe the Fleet Center?

Ranked Choice Voting for this Poll

To demonstrate how proporational/horizontal systems work.

Move To St. Paul's Cathedral for the winter

Demand $5million for non-profit single payer.