Audre Lorde to Howard Zinn Library (A to Z)
Want INFORMATION to inform your ACTIVISM? Want to learn more about histories of RESISTANCE, investigating CORPORATIONS or ANTI-RACISM FOR ACTIVISTS? Ask the Audre Lorde to Howard Zinn Library!
We can help you find resources and answers to questions regarding your work with Occupy Boston. We may not have a tent anymore but we are still here to help!

VISION: The Audre Lorde to Howard Zinn Library was formed by Metacomet Books, the Boston Radical Reference Collective and the Progressive Librarians Guild of Simmons College to meet the information needs of the participants and visitors at Occupy Boston. Its caretakers understand that librarianship isn’t a neutral profession and that the choices we make in collection development, responding to research queries, collection of archival materials and programming all have social ramifications. We aim to unfold librarianship, as it has always been intended -- a powerful tool for social justice.
MISSION: The Audre Lorde to Howard Zinn Library aims to foster inquiry, learning, critical analysis and information-sharing among Occupy Boston occupiers, participants and visitors in order to better understand, challenge and transform interlocking systems of oppression.
COLLECTION: Our collection contains books, magazines, newspapers, ‘zines, pamphlets and other materials that have been donated, collected, and archived during the occupation.
''Due to the eviction of the occupation at Dewey Sq. our collection is no longer in a centralized location. The A-Z Library welcomes suggestions for space. Please email
Get involved with Occupy’s A to Z library! Email
Are you having a meeting where you want Library support? Email us at
To ask questions anytime:
Go to the Radical Reference website*
- - Click on Submit a Reference Question at the top of the page
- - Fill out the form. Your email address will be shared with Radical Reference librarians, but will not be made public.
- - We’ll email you an answer, or with any follow-up questions we might have.
- - We’ll also post the Q & A (with any personally identifying information removed) on the Radical Reference site. If you don’t want us to publish your question on the site, just tell us.
*Radical Reference is a collective of volunteer library workers who believe in social justice and equality. We support activist communities, progressive organizations, and independent journalists by providing professional research support, education and access to information.
Reading Lists/Archives
(These are created on demand - please let us know what you'd like to see here.)
- Occupy Boston Crowdsourced Reading List (This is a collaborative, ongoing effort - please contribute your favorite readings.)
- Race & Gender in the Occupy & SlutWalk Movements
- Social and Protest Movement Books for Kids & Teens
- Anarchism Bibliography
- Economic Books of Interest
- AK Press and PM Press Book Recommendations
- Nonviolent Communication & Consensus-Building Reading List
- Occupy Archive- "Archiving the Occupy Movements from 2011"
- Occupy Spreadsheet(List of Occupy encampments internationally.)
- Social Justice Encyclopedia(from Connexions Information Sharing Service)
About A-Z Library
- Catalog of our holdings
- Map of the A-Z Library space to help find what you're looking for! (A great map even if the tent is no longer up!)
- Press on the libraries of the Movement
- Library's Press Release
- Local Libraries
- Audre Lorde Reader
About Occupy Boston and Dewey Square
- Guide to Dewey Square's Surveillance Cameras by Tim Devin
- Education page for Occupy Boston
- Archives of General Assembly Meeting Minutes
- Favorite Resources suggested by visitors to the A-Z Library (Contribute more by visiting the tent!)
- Post your pictures, videos, anecdotes, writings, poetry, etc on this space.
- Library's Wish List
- There's no family programs scheduled at this time. We will have more posted here in the future about any mobile events we may be doing!
- 10/26/11 Minutes: File:20111026 minutes.txt
- 11/02/11 Minutes: File:A-Z Library Meeting Notes 11.02.11.pdf
- 11/09/11 Minutes: File:A-Z Library Meeting Notes 11.09.11.pdf
- 11/16/11 Minutes: File:A Z Library notes Nov 16 2011.pdf
- 11/21/11 Minutes: File:A-Z Library meeting notes11-21-2011.pdf
- 11/28/11 Minutes: File:A-ZLibraryMeetingMinutes11282011.pdf
- 12/10/11 Minutes: File:A-Z Library Meeting Minutes 12.10.11.pdf
- 12/14/11 Minutes: File:A-ZLibrary Meeting Minutes 12.14.11.pdf
- 01/05/12 Minutes: File:A-ZLibrary Meeting Minutes 01.05.12.pdf
- 01/14/12 Minutes: File:A-ZLibrary Meeting Minutes 01.14.12.pdf
- 01/25/12 Minutes: File:A-ZLibrary Meeting Minutes 01.25.12.pdf
- 02/06/12 Minutes: File:A-ZLibrary Meeting Minutes 02.06.12.pdf
- 02/23/12 Minutes: File:A-ZLibrary Meeting Minutes 02.23.12.pdf