Talk:Financial Accountability/Finance Specialists

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Finance proposal from 10/15

user:anonyta Oct 16, 2011 8:11 am

Hey Finance Working group, can you post the proposal that was passed on the evening GA of 10/15? Thanks! Anna (Minutes)

re: Finance proposal from 10/15

user:jmagly Oct 16, 2011 9:16 am

yup ill be doing that today. is the proposal detailed in the Mins or is there another document out there too?

re: Finance proposal from 10/15

user:cathyjacobowitz Oct 18, 2011 11:33 am

I don't think the proposal is in the minutes--they refer to something that was pased out.

re: Finance proposal from 10/15

user:Linda177 Oct 18, 2011 8:46 pm

I'm frustrated that the finance working group moved its meeting Saturday without leaving a sign at the location announced the night before at the GA, or leaving word of the new location with logistics or media. When & where will this working group meet again & what did you do at the meeting? We can't be inclusive if we don't bother to make our activities known. I have skills & experience to contribute & was one of the arrestees on the 11th so I'd like to have access to what's going on. Thanks!

re: Finance proposal from 10/15

user:jmagly Wednesday, 3:28 pm

Last I heard, Finance had gone primarily virtual for communication. Is this still the case?

re: Finance proposal from 10/15

user:Lisa151 Wednesday, 5:20 pm

Hi All,

Sorry for the slowness. Starting to get the stuff together and on the page.


Is there a listserv?

user:cathyjacobowitz Oct 18, 2011 11:34 am

Hi all,

Is there a google group (soon to be moved, I know) or another listserv for the Finance WG? I would love to stay abreast.

Thanks! Cathy (a bookkeeper)

Operating Expenses

user:jmagly Oct 15, 2011 8:21 pm

Ok we know somewhere money is being used to keep things going. So lets try and nail down what the needs are so we can try and better match that.

Whats costs right now are various individuals in the group absorbing that we can possibly spread that out around a larger pool?

What needs to be done?

user:dsws Oct 7, 2011 4:53 am

The people needed page says "finance and political science specialists ... Any length of time. 10 minutes or 10 hours."

I can respect disparate points of view. I can head downtown with a warm coat on. What needs to be done?

re: What needs to be done?

         ]] Occupy_Boston

DSWS, you should check in with the media tent at Dewey square because unfortunately that post wasn't very clear on who to contact and what exactly needed to be done. My guess is that you will also want to talk with the Strategy Policy and Planning Group for this particular project. Once you've made contact if you could post the basics of what needs to be done so other can start working remotely.

re: What needs to be done?

         ]] dsws

Well, that was a long T ride to accomplish nothing. The people at the media tent, as of noon, weren't aware of anything they need volunteers for. They have nothing to do with remote anything, and haven't even read the web page.

re: What needs to be done?

         ]] yanikn

That is so odd because they posted the original post calling for volunteers in the first place.

Also, they just posted this address on the website.

Try that.

re: What needs to be done?

Already emailed that one, too.

Presumably it's different people at the media tent: the ones there at noon don't know what the ones who are there in the evening want done.

re: What needs to be done?

user:Oct 7, 2011 11:24 am

Hi dsws thanks for joining.

I'm not surprised there is confusion at this early state. On the ground in the moment the camp i really good at getting things done without directed leadership. Achieving the same across different "shifts" of people will likely continue to be a challenge for the short term.

From talking to a few key folks we have quite a few needs and we are looking toward donations and such to fill those.

Finance i think in this particular scenario I think is an area to start to figure out how to actively fill these needs either by acquiring necessary funding or other alternative means.

Some things that might be nice is to identify some of the more expensive things the camp could use and try to organize some funding to squire those items or borrow them.