WG/radio/Airtime Customization

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The Airtime package's main Liquidsoap script is found by default in /usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_bin/ls_script.liq.

We've made some changes to this script to add additional functionality:

(only the relevant bits of code are shown)

#we change this variable to true.
#web_stream_enabled = ref false
web_stream_enabled = ref true

#rather than monitor an http stream, we're going to use liquidsoap's built in functionality for collecting an http stream 
#(it emulates icecast's).  We'll define two streams, one for mono and another for stereo.
#web_stream_source = input.http(id="web_stream", autostart = false, buffer=0.5, max=20., "")
web_stream_source_mono = audio_to_stereo((input.harbor("oblive-mono", port=8001, password="xxx"):source(1,0,0)))
web_stream_source_stereo = input.harbor("oblive-stereo", port=8001, password="xxx")

#once the stream is started, give it a sink so that liquidsoap doesn't
#create buffer overflow warnings in the log file.
output.dummy(fallible=true, web_stream_source_mono)
output.dummy(fallible=true, web_stream_source_stereo)

#the next two blocks add the live streams to the fallback list.  We give priority to the stereo stream, then the mono stream, 
#then whatever happens to be scheduled in airtime.
#We'll use some transitions defined in ls_lib.liq.
s = switch(track_sensitive = false,
      ({ !web_stream_enabled }, web_stream_source_mono),
      ({ true }, s)

s = switch(track_sensitive = false,
      ({ !web_stream_enabled }, web_stream_source_stereo),
      ({ true }, s)

TODO: add a backup playlist at the bottom of the fallback list.