Public Discussion - Wednesday, 16 November 2011

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Wednesday, 16 November

  • Announcement/Get the word out about Occupy Declaration:
  • Proposal to create an information card for how to discuss the Occupy movement with families on Thanksgiving.  The information card could give suggestions on how to talk about Occupy, but also remind to collect ideas from family members which can then be brought back to the camp for discussion.
  • Discussion of possibly wording statements so that they are not as inclusive, by using words like "most of us", etc.  Debated whether this is a good strategy, no position was taken.
  • Discussion on the purpose of statements of purpose, and how it can guide its development. Mention that it can act as a guide to how we live responsibly with each other in the camp (internal purpose), and how we may bring people into solidarity with the movement (external), or how it will guide our actions as we move forward (intermal/external).
    • Also it is noted that most of the good work that is done within Occupy Boston needs no Statement to happen, and that a multitude of different occupy movements have a wide range of different statement sizes, breadth, meaning, or do not have any statements at all.  No position was taken, however it was consented on that if we did draft a potential proposed Values statement, it might mention the internal and external purposes. (Note: google doc of all Occupy statement's movements here:
  • Discussion of what the proposal that we will raise at the facilitation testing of the new GA process on Friday.  We decided that it will be to propose that a values statement to be added to the Statement of Purpose.
  • Discussion of what values to start off the discussion will be (Tess has the list, i forgot to write it down)
  • Decision to set the date of the GA for the real proposal is Tuesday Nov 22.
  • Decision to table the discussion of the discussion of what petition to create until Sunday's Ideas meeting.
  • Decision for a topic of discussion for an Ideas Public Discussion sometime after the Summit:
  • Discussion of all of the Authors that have drafted Mission Statements, Declarations of Occupation, etc. to offer their ideas to the public and garner feedback in a discussion format.