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OBIT Meeting - 13 May 2012

Attending: Brandon, Dana, Eden, Kendra, Steve

Server/Package Upgrades

Brandon: several security upgrades for attucks. 8 or 9 package upgrades. In addition, Mayfirst will perform a kernel upgrade on attuck's parent host. acpid, basefiles, libapr, libxi, initscripts, libc-dev, openssh, python, sysvinit, tzdata, and others. Will apply upgrades shortly before Mayfirst does kernel upgrades.

Affects www and v2dev (not wiki, old groups, emails).

See also:

Drupal work

Dana looking at taking css from occupyboston.org, and converting to Drupal 7. Goal: home page of v2dev.groups.occupyboston.org should look occupyboston.org. Also planning to build wireframes for groups function in v2dev. Would be great if we could get something together in the next month.

Turning off Mobile Theme on Wordpress

The mobile theme has been problematic; it's been broken and it stays broken. Brandon disables WP Touch plugin.


Scheduling of Sunday OBIT Meetings

We'd like to change our meeting time, to prevent overlap with SAA. We can meet before SAA, after SAA, or on a different day.

Proposed: 3pm on Sundays. Agreed -- 3pm Sunday, effective next week.

Location: There's a Starbucks on Huntington end of the prudential center. We'll meet there, so it will only be a short walk to SAA. (Should remind list of this, and clarify meeting location on list.)

CISPA Press Release

Started a press release: https://pad.riseup.net/p/TeklQmINc21J Brandon's done some editing. Looks good.

We'll seek endorsements for this statement:

  • Brandon. Mass Pirate Party, OWS tech ops
  • Dana. FSF
  • Steve. EFF and Occupy Arlington
  • Kendra. From PRA (publiceye.org).
  • Ross. Mayfirst / Riseup

CISPA Radio Spot

Kendra, Brandon, Steve were going to tape a segment on CISPA for OBR.fm this afternoon. E5 was closed up, so we had to postpone taping.

Trac Tickets

  • Wishlist tickets, 51, 34, 52, 28, 63. Nothing to do right now.
  • #52 (Featured actions) was de-prioritized after media dissolution. We're not sure what do do with it.
  • #15 wordpress logging. Steve will try to install Simple History later this week.
  • #50 Contact Form 7 plugin upgrade. Steve takes tickets.
  • #68 Calendar submit form hangs. May be a varnish issue. Given to Ross.
  • #79 MediaWiki upgrade. Steve will try to start testing new version this week.
  • #78 Wordpress 3.3.2 + plugin upgrades. Should work on this. Definitely needs testing prior to deployment.