Strike Debt Meeting - 14 Jan 2013

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Notes from Strike Debt Meeting, 1/14/13

Steve facilitates. Joe takes notes.

About 20 persons in attendance; discussion focuses on what steps will be taken toward organizing in Boston on the issue of student loan debt.

K: as part of our discussion on debt, we eventually should be bringing in ideas about an "alternate economy" - or at least, making progress toward a point half-way there. Such as, a jobs program, including infrastructure jobs--- considering how many graduate with big loan debt and no job. Also-- how can we ourselves, (Occupy, progressive groups) work to create alternative jobs on our own, following principle of Mutual Aid. Via-- cooperatives, alternative non-cash economy, labor credits...

D. Asks that we focus on a specific day, coming up soon, for a specific Event, which we should start planning now. We should start publicizing it through social and other media. Possible as part of event content--- presentation by a legal consultant on bankrupcy--- other "formal presentations". Also Q & A as part of program, toward deciding on goals for our actions, as in initial Debt Community Meeting. Goal beyond the Event, organizing effective collective action. For Ex; Refers to effectiveness of actions against "internet repression disguised as privacy laws" SOPA and PIPA

S. explains that in these cases, activists stopped two bad bills and changed the debate...

D. (continues) Knows of folks ready to do slide show presentation, etc- as part of "engaging program"

R. Key, to make an Attractive Event, with some didactic elements, but not overwhelming. "Entertaining and Informative". Have Good Visuals.. Good music, mentions has a track to a couple of good bands (K concurs, also has track to bands) Goals--- should be both toward high longer term goals like Free Tuition--- and, toward more "moderate goals" like full disclosure laws, re student debt.

Idea; get someone from places with experience in this, like--- Montreal student strikers, "Squarely in the Red" crew, inspire with their story.

L. agrees with D, that planning specific event is the best step to take right now. Suggests-- in program, present info on how to deal with "debt dunning", etc. Also, program should make clear the larger goals and actions to date of the Strike Debt group. And, program should include some opportunity for "buy-in" by the participants-- an action step for them, something to sign, to give, to go to, etc

B. Can we have a program in a Happy Middle Ground- combining entertainment, information, some councelling-- perhaps, some tax prep advice?

K. a proposal for a specific reform, require councelling at schools, on entrance and graduation, about costs of loans, repayment issues-- all problems that may arise-- in interest of full transparency. Idea for publicizing the Event, we distribute copies of the Debt Resisters Manual on campuses, with Event Info.

S. Idea for reform, requirement something like a full disclosure warrantee, or full info such as is provided with credit cards. A more "tricky " idea, use the debt forgiveness given for employees of non-profits---- get non-profits to sign people up as "employees" at $1 per yr-- merely to get exemption. May not work, but-----

R: reform idea, forbid schools from engaging in "kickback schemes" where they are rewarded when students get loans. Notes, some schools now have debt councelling events. It has proven to be a hot topic, lots of interest

J: refers to a good book on this issue published by--- the Trilateral Commission! Title, Crisis of Democracy--- deals with student loan trap, etc. Notes-- the "norm" in much of developed world is, Free College education

R. mentions good movement within MA college teachers' org-- a "progressive caucus" called Educators for Democracy

C. Notes, this is not a "student issue" most of those with student loan debt have long since left college. And , consequences for employment of loan non-repayment are severe... (All agree, note that credit score review is now standard part of employment application). BUT-- warns that councelling by us is problematic--- we might be liable if we give "bad" advice.. Might be OK if we get a real pro-- Cites an expert organization providing info on this-- name (? Income Based Repayment Info?)

D. Notes, as part of general '"austerity", there is also no $ for councelling.....Calls for focus to go back to specific event planning. And, to decide on goals for the event, including setting up for campaigns ahead. Tasks for upcoming Event/ food /Music/ Program/ Venue

S. make sure we are linking up to other groups that are already on this, be sure to invite them

K. raises issue of for-profit training type schools, or Univ of Phoenix, etc. Trap many working class kids with debt, no job, bankruptcy--- so, we should be sure we cover all these--- not all will be found at a college...

C. part of program should include allowing a group decision about--- what are next directions ? Through breakout groups?

X. many comments that this is too much, too complex for this Event.

J. perhaps do this through a questionaire or something? Raises question; just as OWS/Strike Debt is buying up medical debt at a discount and forgiving it--- could we do something similar with student debt? And-- give folks at the Event a chance to contribute to a fund for that? Would be a sort of "buy-in" opportunity?

L. explains that this would not work, student debt amounts are too big, too many legal limits

J. should we be compiling a reading list? {OK}

X. How could we link up with on-line students, not easily visible And--- can we link to community based organizations and unions that are working on this?

J. agrees, this is not a "campus only" issue. But, Event may be "campus heavy", that is OK, they are available, organizable. Refers to Chris Hedges, says debt is "modern return of feudalism"-a new form of Debt peonage

J. reference, article in The Nation, 11/ /12: thesis, as wages were the working class issue of the 20th century, debt will be the issue of the 21st.

D. back to how to promote The Event--- who are interested in a silk screen party to do flyers, posters? (volunteers......)

C. as item for program, could we have discussion of language for a national petition ?

K. And--- prepare a list of demands? Also, we should work on composing petitions and letters to the colleges and universites (of MA?)-- asking them, what are they doing about this problem?!

J. Good ideas, but perhaps too much for this event? Maybe, there are already Demand Lists "out there", also there may be national petition language out there, that we could present?

S. we should be sure that the event is identified as "Occupy", for full disclosure and to help out outreach

Group grps to link up to --- United for Fair Economy, Dollars and Sense, Occupy Harvard, Food Not Bombs

Discussion of "committees" and tasks within our group

Bands? /Food? Venue/ Program/ promotion/ budget/ linking to other groups active on this/ legal advice? / tabling, lit to give out/

  • Venue. Joe and Steve
  • Music and Stage Management. Dana and Kendra
  • Program material. Larry, Dana, and Rich
  • PR and Outreach. Ian, Jonny, Rich, Dana
  • Legal. Kendra, Steve, Dana
  • Budgeting. Rich

Research what you can during the next two weeks; we'll discuss at our next meeting.

Group-let's decide on how much to $ to request at OUR next meeting;