FY '12 Q2

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' 'OccupyBoston
' '

Profit & Loss

January - March, 2012
Jan 2012
Feb 2012 Mar 2012 Total

4015 - GA Donations 869.74 831.35 691.76 2,392.85
4020 - WePay Donations
4022 - General Fund 2,919.64 (1,416.36) 75.88 1,579.16
4023 - General Assembly Fund 30.00 30.00
4025 - Greenway Fund 60.00 60.00
4026 - Legal Fund 50.00 50.00
4027 - Mutual Aid Fund 5.00 5.00
4028 - Occupy Boston Radio 275.87 280.00 100.00 655.87
Total 4020 - WePay Donations $3,280.51 $(1,076.36) $175.88 $2,380.03
4030 - Donors 6,523.14 1,055.00 351.90 7,930.04
4035 - Donors - Boston Occupier 456.00 751.90 1,207.90
4050 - Unions 200.00 200.00
Total Contributions $10,873.39 $1,265.99 $1,971.44 $14,110.82
Total Income
$10,873.39 $1,265.99 $1,971.44 $14,110.82


6000 - Civil Disobedience 270.00 380.01 650.01
6005 - Community Food 576.51 612.10 323.68 1,512.29
6007 - Community Space 250.00 150.00 180.00 580.00
6010 - Direct Action 0.00
6015 - Food 911.43 911.43
6020 - Rent or Lease 480.00 480.00
6030 - Supplies & Materials 702.56 172.10 632.04 1,506.70
6040 - Transportation 2,207.15 77.90 20.00 2,305.05
6049 - Undocumented 15,363.60 635.00 97.96 16,096.56
Total 6010 - Direct Action $19,664.74 $885.00 $750.00 $21,299.74
6050 - FInancial/Mutual Aid 0.00
6060 - Food 1,715.00 1,715.00
6070 - Housing 465.00 465.00
6080 - Miscellaneous 189.45 189.45
6090 - Transportation 1,116.00 15.00 488.00 1,619.00
6097 - Undocumented MAWG 235.55 2,610.00 (1,053.00) 1,792.55
Total 6050 - FInancial/Mutual Aid $3,721.00 $2,625.00 $(565.00) $5,781.00
6099 - Undocumented Community 0.00 11.56 11.56
Total Community $24,482.25 $4,283.66 $1,068.69 $29,834.60
6199 - Undocumented Encampment (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
Total Encampment $(1,000.00) $- $- $(1,000.00)
6201 - Bank Charges 20.72 41.56 13.65 75.93
6205 - Bookkeeping 67.92 33.96 33.96 135.84
6210 - Communication 0.00
6212 - Data/Internet 250.00 250.00 250.00 750.00
6214 - Telephone 40.00 40.00 40.00 120.00
Total 6210 - Communication $290.00 $290.00 $290.00 $870.00
6260 - Rent or Lease 1,550.00 1,943.00 2,013.00 5,506.00
6270 - Supplies & Materials 152.26 2,937.00 3,089.26
6290 - WePay Fees 115.12 3.50 118.62
6299 - Undocumented Infrastructure 356.54 200.00 556.54
Total Infrastructure $2,552.56 $5,445.52 $2,354.11 $10,352.19
Working Groups
310 - Communication
39.00 19.41 58.41
6320 - Copying & Printing 958.81 880.00 830.00 2,668.81
6330 - Equipment 36.85 234.55 271.40
6340 - Food 45.69 189.92 235.61
6350 - Professional Fees 50.00 50.00
6360 - Rent or Lease 228.50 875.00 520.00 1,623.50
6370 - Supplies & Materials 685.86 671.22 123.25 1,480.33
6375 - Shipping & Postage 197.32 359.73 132.27 689.32
6380 - Travel 0.00
6386 - Transportation 195.40 195.40
Total 6380 - Travel $195.40 $- $- $195.40
6399 - Undocumented WGs 640.00 66.43 600.00 1,306.43
Total Working Groups
$3,027.43 $3,296.26 $2,255.52 $8,579.21
Total Expenses
$29,062.24 $13,025.44 $5,678.32 $47,766.00

Net Operating Income
$(18,188.85) $(11,759.45) $(3,706.88) $(33,655.18)

Other Income

7010 - Interest Earned 4.76 4.70 4.75 14.21
Total Other Income $4.76 $4.70 $4.75 $14.21
Total Other Income $4.76 $4.70 $4.75 $14.21

Other Expense

8020 - Miscellaneous Expense 38.00 (65.24) (27.24)
Total Other Expense $- $38.00 $(65.24) $(27.24)
Total Other Expenses $- $38.00 $(65.24) $(27.24)
Net Other Income
$4.76 $(33.30) $69.99 $41.45
Net Income
$(18,184.09) $(11,792.75) $(3,636.89) $(33,613.73)
Friday, Apr 27, 2012 02:21:11 PM GMT-4 - Accrual Basis