General Ledger - October 2012

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Occupy Boston
General Ledger
October 2012
Date Transaction Type Num Name Memo/Description Split Amount Balance
1000 - Cash Box
Beginning Balance 135.95
Total for 1000 - Cash Box
1001 - Decolonize Cash Box
Beginning Balance 118.55
Total for 1001 - Decolonize Cash Box
1003 - General Assembly Cash Box
10/16/2012 Deposit 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) (44.00) (44.00)
Total for 1003 - General Assembly Cash Box (44.00)
1005 - Legal Cash Box
Beginning Balance 295.90
Total for 1005 - Legal Cash Box
1006 - Occupy Boston Radio Cash Box
Beginning Balance (7.94)
Total for 1006 - Occupy Boston Radio Cash Box
1007 - Screen Guild Cash Box
Beginning Balance 273.55
Total for 1007 - Screen Guild Cash Box
1009B - FAB
Beginning Balance 180.00
Total for 1009B - FAB
1014 - Eastern Bank - Boston Occupier
Beginning Balance 1,843.61
Total for 1014 - Eastern Bank - Boston Occupier
1020 - CPCU Personal Checking (3008)
Beginning Balance 9,666.06
10/01/2012 Check 8006 Steve Revilak Reimbursement for Mayfirst Payment 6212 - Expenses:Infrastructure:Communication:Data/Internet (100.00) 9,566.06
10/05/2012 Check 8010 Steve Revilak CPCU Membership fee (for account co-sign) 6003 - Expenses:Community:Donation (25.00) 9,541.06
10/11/2012 Check ACH Intuit 6205 - Expenses:Infrastructure:Bookkeeping (33.96) 9,507.10
10/15/2012 Check ExtraSpace Storage 6260 - Expenses:Infrastructure:Rent or Lease (653.00) 8,854.10
10/16/2012 Deposit GA Hat Pass 1003 - Cash:General Assembly Cash Box 44.00 8,898.10
10/29/2012 Check Wi-Fi hotspot 6212 - Expenses:Infrastructure:Communication:Data/Internet (49.99) 8,848.11
10/29/2012 Check Wi-Fi hotspot 6212 - Expenses:Infrastructure:Communication:Data/Internet (150.00) 8,698.11
Total for 1020 - CPCU Personal Checking (3008) (967.95)
1021 - CPCU Personal Savings (2985)
Beginning Balance 21,208.14
10/22/2012 Deposit Returns from S17, S30
393.00 21,601.14
10/31/2012 Deposit INTEREST Interest Earned 7010 - Other Income:Interest Earned 6.73 21,607.87
Total for 1021 - CPCU Personal Savings (2985) 399.73
Total for Cash (612.22)
WePay Accounts
1045 - Boston Occupier
Beginning Balance 1,056.45
Total for 1045 - Boston Occupier
1050 - General Fund
Beginning Balance 5,675.51
Total for 1050 - General Fund
1055 - General Assembly Fund
Beginning Balance 28.63
Total for 1055 - General Assembly Fund
1075 - Mutual Aid
Beginning Balance 4.50
Total for 1075 - Mutual Aid
1077 - Occupy Boston Radio
Beginning Balance 610.85
10/08/2012 Check 4 Massachusetts Global Action Rent for @ e5 for Sept & 1/... 6360 - Expenses:Working Groups:Rent or Lease (600.00) 10.85
10/31/2012 Journal Entry 650
175.10 185.95
Total for 1077 - Occupy Boston Radio (424.90)
1080 - Wind Turbine Fund
Beginning Balance 871.55
Total for 1080 - Wind Turbine Fund
Total for WePay Accounts (424.90)
1200 - Prepaid Expenses
Beginning Balance 49.90
Total for 1200 - Prepaid Expenses
2500 - Accrued Expenses
Beginning Balance 800.00
Total for 2500 - Accrued Expenses
3000 - Consented Proposals
Beginning Balance 22,721.00
10/22/2012 Deposit From S17 1021 - Cash:CPCU Personal Savings (2985) 293.00 23,014.00
Total for 3000 - Consented Proposals 293.00
3010 - Legal Funds
Beginning Balance 5,745.00
Total for 3010 - Legal Funds
4010 - Camp Donations
Beginning Balance 79.00
Total for 4010 - Camp Donations
4015 - GA Donations
Beginning Balance 2,933.85
Total for 4015 - GA Donations
4020 - WePay Donations
4022 - General Fund
Beginning Balance 2,136.48
Total for 4022 - General Fund
4023 - General Assembly Fund
Beginning Balance 30.00
Total for 4023 - General Assembly Fund
4025 - Greenway Fund
Beginning Balance 30.00
Total for 4025 - Greenway Fund
4026 - Legal Fund
Beginning Balance 50.00
Total for 4026 - Legal Fund
4027 - Mutual Aid Fund
Beginning Balance 5.00
Total for 4027 - Mutual Aid Fund
Total for 4020 - WePay Donations
Total for Contributions
Retained Earnings
Beginning Balance 87,392.50
Total for Retained Earnings
4020 - WePay Donations
4028 - Occupy Boston Radio
Beginning Balance 1,933.87
10/31/2012 Journal Entry 650
181.40 2,115.27
Total for 4028 - Occupy Boston Radio 181.40
Total for 4020 - WePay Donations 181.40
4030 - Boston Occupier (Donors & Subscribers)
Beginning Balance 2,919.46
Total for 4030 - Boston Occupier (Donors & Subscribers)
4035 - Donors
Beginning Balance 6,798.25
10/11/2012 Journal Entry 673 Mayfirst Oct 2012
100.00 6,898.25
Total for 4035 - Donors 100.00
4050 - Unions
Beginning Balance 700.00
Total for 4050 - Unions
Total for Contributions 281.40
6000 - Civil Disobedience
Beginning Balance 945.01
Total for 6000 - Civil Disobedience
6003 - Donation
Beginning Balance 1,090.00
10/05/2012 Check 8010 Steve Revilak 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) 25.00 1,115.00
Total for 6003 - Donation 25.00
6005 - Community Food
Beginning Balance 3,939.73
Total for 6005 - Community Food
6007 - Community Space
Beginning Balance 940.00
Total for 6007 - Community Space
6010 - Direct Action
Beginning Balance 2,300.00
10/22/2012 Deposit From S30 Cash Fund 1021 - Cash:CPCU Personal Savings (2985) (100.00) 2,200.00
Total for 6010 - Direct Action (100.00)
6012 - Equipment
Beginning Balance 297.44
Total for 6012 - Equipment
6015 - Food
Beginning Balance 1,264.32
Total for 6015 - Food
6020 - Rent or Lease
Beginning Balance 930.00
Total for 6020 - Rent or Lease
6030 - Supplies & Materials
Beginning Balance 2,505.93
10/29/2012 Journal Entry 683 S17 Outreach supplies
134.34 2,640.27
Total for 6030 - Supplies & Materials 134.34
6040 - Transportation
Beginning Balance 2,691.59
Total for 6040 - Transportation
6049 - Undocumented
Beginning Balance 31,781.61
10/29/2012 Journal Entry 683 S17 Outreach supplies
(134.34) 31,647.27
Total for 6049 - Undocumented (134.34)
Total for 6010 - Direct Action with subs. (100.00)
6050 - FInancial/Mutual Aid
6060 - Food
Beginning Balance 1,715.00
Total for 6060 - Food
6070 - Housing
Beginning Balance 465.00
Total for 6070 - Housing
6080 - Miscellaneous
Beginning Balance 189.45
Total for 6080 - Miscellaneous
6090 - Transportation
Beginning Balance 1,974.00
Total for 6090 - Transportation
6097 - Undocumented MAWG
Beginning Balance 172.55
Total for 6097 - Undocumented MAWG
Total for 6050 - FInancial/Mutual Aid
6099 - Undocumented Community
Beginning Balance 246.56
Total for 6099 - Undocumented Community
Total for Community (75.00)
6130 - Equipment
Beginning Balance 85.43
Total for 6130 - Equipment
6140 - Food
Beginning Balance 194.37
Total for 6140 - Food
6170 - Supplies & Materials
Beginning Balance 73.89
Total for 6170 - Supplies & Materials
6180 - Transportation
Beginning Balance 30.00
Total for 6180 - Transportation
6199 - Undocumented Encampment
Beginning Balance (1,000.00)
Total for 6199 - Undocumented Encampment
Total for Encampment
6201 - Bank Charges
Beginning Balance 121.48
Total for 6201 - Bank Charges
6205 - Bookkeeping
Beginning Balance 271.68
10/11/2012 Check ACH Intuit 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) 33.96 305.64
Total for 6205 - Bookkeeping 33.96
6210 - Communication
6212 - Data/Internet
Beginning Balance 2,051.96
10/01/2012 Check 8006 Steve Revilak 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) 100.00 2,151.96
10/11/2012 Journal Entry 673 Mayfirst Oct 2012
100.00 2,251.96
10/29/2012 Check 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) 150.00 2,401.96
10/29/2012 Check 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) 49.99 2,451.95
Total for 6212 - Data/Internet 399.99
6214 - Telephone
Beginning Balance 160.00
Total for 6214 - Telephone
Total for 6210 - Communication 399.99
6220 - Copying & Printing
Beginning Balance 250.00
Total for 6220 - Copying & Printing
6230 - Equipment
Beginning Balance 207.89
Total for 6230 - Equipment
6260 - Rent or Lease
Beginning Balance 9,596.00
10/15/2012 Check ExtraSpace Storage 1020 - Cash:CPCU Personal Checking (3008) 653.00 10,249.00
Total for 6260 - Rent or Lease 653.00
6270 - Supplies & Materials
Beginning Balance 3,095.31
Total for 6270 - Supplies & Materials
6290 - WePay Fees
Beginning Balance 184.50
10/31/2012 Journal Entry 650
6.30 190.80
Total for 6290 - WePay Fees 6.30
6299 - Undocumented Infrastructure
Beginning Balance 556.54
Total for 6299 - Undocumented Infrastructure
Total for Infrastructure 1,093.25
Working Groups
6310 - Communication
Beginning Balance 679.46
Total for 6310 - Communication
6320 - Copying & Printing
Beginning Balance 4,661.81
Total for 6320 - Copying & Printing
6330 - Equipment
Beginning Balance 2,304.71
Total for 6330 - Equipment
6340 - Food
Beginning Balance 235.61
Total for 6340 - Food
6350 - Professional Fees
Beginning Balance 1,470.00
Total for 6350 - Professional Fees
6360 - Rent or Lease
Beginning Balance 10,448.50
10/08/2012 Check 4 Massachusetts Global Action 1077 - WePay Accounts:Occupy Boston Radio 600.00 11,048.50
Total for 6360 - Rent or Lease 600.00
6370 - Supplies & Materials
Beginning Balance 2,515.42
Total for 6370 - Supplies & Materials
6375 - Shipping & Postage
Beginning Balance 995.22
Total for 6375 - Shipping & Postage
6380 - Travel
6386 - Transportation
Beginning Balance 703.00
Total for 6386 - Transportation
Total for 6380 - Travel
6399 - Undocumented WGs
Beginning Balance 1,570.74
Total for 6399 - Undocumented WGs
Total for Working Groups 600.00
Total for Expenses 1,618.25
Other Income
7010 - Interest Earned
Beginning Balance 34.47
10/31/2012 Deposit INTEREST 1021 - Cash:CPCU Personal Savings (2985) 6.73 41.20
Total for 7010 - Interest Earned 6.73
7020 - Miscellaneous Income
Beginning Balance 88.09
Total for 7020 - Miscellaneous Income
Total for Other Income 6.73
Other Expense
8020 - Miscellaneous Expense
Beginning Balance (26.44)
Total for 8020 - Miscellaneous Expense
8030 - Undocumented Fund Use
Beginning Balance (2,499.51)
Total for 8030 - Undocumented Fund Use
Total for Other Expense
Saturday, Mar 16, 2013 08:51:11 PM PDT GMT-4 - Cash Basis
