General Ledger - September 2011

Revision as of 12:15, 31 March 2013 by Srevilak (talk | contribs) (inital revision)
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Occupy Boston
General Ledger
September 2011
Date Transaction Type Num Name Memo/Description Split Amount Balance
WePay Accounts
1060 - Generator Fund
09/30/2011 Journal Entry 28
818.17 818.17
Total for 1060 - Generator Fund 818.17
Total for WePay Accounts 818.17
4020 - WePay Donations
4024 - Generator Fund
09/30/2011 Journal Entry 28
849.50 849.50
Total for 4024 - Generator Fund 849.50
Total for 4020 - WePay Donations 849.50
Total for Contributions 849.50
6290 - WePay Fees
09/30/2011 Journal Entry 28
31.33 31.33
Total for 6290 - WePay Fees 31.33
Total for Infrastructure 31.33
Total for Expenses 31.33
Saturday, Mar 30, 2013 11:15:13 PM PDT GMT-4 - Cash Basis

Spreadsheet: Fawg-general-ledger-201109.ods