Talk:WG/Strategies/Ideas/Federal Reserve Statement

Revision as of 21:01, 18 October 2011 by Mcktimo (talk | contribs)
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Separate topics

user:pcovery Oct 17, 2011 4:16 am

I like Noah's suggestion to bullet-ize SOP points so they can be discussed individually and rhen consolidated later. You've got a lot of content here that's not really about the Fed. Maybe some of it could fit into topics on the SPP page.

a person is a human

user:mcktimo Oct 13, 2011 2:18 pm

I'm trying to figure out what needs to change in how we regulate corporations. I guess 'personhood' means you can make an agreement with a corporation, sue them, they can buy buildings and stuff in the name of their corporation. What would we replace that with? Would the board of directors be jointly liable for every corporate event? stockholders? workers?

re: a person is a human

user:occupyboston4ever Oct 13, 2011 2:45 pm

these are good questions. There are a lot of groups out there who are devoted to taking on these issues. However, the problem is that corporations are protected under the 14th amendment. Corporate Personhood is a giant obstacle to all that this movement stands for. So the law needs to be changed before we can reevaluate the rights of corporations.

In contrast, I do not think it is wise to let a bad law stand, and then add regulations to fix the problems of the bad law. Get rid of the bad law, and then create good laws to replace it. So we would have to fight for the creation of those good laws, which we CAN do. But we CAN'T fight for good laws without disposing of bad laws.

re: a person is a human

user:occupyboston4ever Oct 13, 2011 2:54 pm

If you want to think about what needs to be changed, the responsibility of corporate employees and stockholders needs to be evaluated.

Corporate role in media needs to be addressed.

Anti-trust laws need to be strengthened.

Campaign finance needs to be addressed.

Corporate lobbying needs to be addressed.

Government subsidies to large corporations need to be addressed.

re: a person is a human

user:Stewart76 Oct 15, 2011 9:18 pm

The purpose of setting up a corporation is to limit liability, if you screw up as an agent of the corporation, only the corporation can be sued. There is no personal liability or accountability. No one is responsible because everyone is responsible. The corporation is designed for this. But in addition to occupys list, we should also think about ways to encourage and reward corporate whistle blowers.