General Ledger - March 2013

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Occupy Boston
General Ledger
March 2013
Date Transaction Type Num Name Memo/Description Split Amount Balance
1000 - Cash Box
Beginning Balance 101.00
03/05/2013 Deposit Hat pass after GA 4015 - Contributions:GA Donations 43.00 144.00
03/13/2013 Deposit 1022 - Cash:CPCU Business Checking (0334) (106.60) 37.40
03/16/2013 Deposit 1022 - Cash:CPCU Business Checking (0334) (43.00) (5.60)
03/18/2013 Cash Expense Encuentro 5 6360 - Expenses:Working Groups:Rent or Lease (33.00) (38.60)
03/18/2013 Deposit Strike Debt hat pass 4035 - Contributions:Donors 33.00 (5.60)
03/19/2013 Cash Expense Encuentro 5 6007 - Expenses:Community:Community Space (30.00) (35.60)
03/19/2013 Deposit GA Hat pass 4015 - Contributions:GA Donations 30.00 (5.60)
03/26/2013 Deposit Adjust balance 6099 - Expenses:Community:Undocumented Community 5.60 0.00
Total for 1000 - Cash Box (101.00)
1001 - Decolonize Cash Box
Beginning Balance 74.23
Total for 1001 - Decolonize Cash Box
1005 - Legal Cash Box
Beginning Balance 295.90
Total for 1005 - Legal Cash Box
1006 - Occupy Boston Radio Cash Box
Beginning Balance (7.94)
Total for 1006 - Occupy Boston Radio Cash Box
1007 - Screen Guild Cash Box
Beginning Balance 273.55
Total for 1007 - Screen Guild Cash Box
1009B - FAB
Beginning Balance 180.00
Total for 1009B - FAB
1014 - Eastern Bank - Boston Occupier
Beginning Balance 1,843.61
Total for 1014 - Eastern Bank - Boston Occupier
1022 - CPCU Business Checking (0334)
Beginning Balance 8,826.00
03/05/2013 Check Mayfirst March 2013 3000 - Consented Proposals (100.00) 8,726.00
03/11/2013 Check 1007 Joe Cugini Strikedebt April 6th event 3000 - Consented Proposals (200.00) 8,526.00
03/11/2013 Check ACH Intuit Quickbooks 3000 - Consented Proposals (42.45) 8,483.55
03/12/2013 Check 1008 Mass Global Action Occupy Boston Radio Rent 3000 - Consented Proposals (2,400.00) 6,083.55
03/13/2013 Deposit 1000 - Cash:Cash Box 106.60 6,190.15
03/13/2013 Check ACH ExtraSpace Storage Storage space rental 3000 - Consented Proposals (169.00) 6,021.15
03/16/2013 Deposit From GA Hat Pass 1000 - Cash:Cash Box 43.00 6,064.15
03/20/2013 Check ACH Mayfirst 3/27/2013 Invoice #4804 3000 - Consented Proposals (100.00) 5,964.15
Total for 1022 - CPCU Business Checking (0334) (2,861.85)
1023 - CPCU Business Savings (0326)
Beginning Balance 9,564.99
03/29/2013 Deposit March 2013 Interest 7010 - Other Income:Interest Earned 2.66 9,567.65
Total for 1023 - CPCU Business Savings (0326) 2.66
Total for Cash (2,960.19)
WePay Accounts
1045 - Boston Occupier
Beginning Balance 1,056.45
Total for 1045 - Boston Occupier
1050 - General Fund
Beginning Balance 5,723.67
Total for 1050 - General Fund
1055 - General Assembly Fund
Beginning Balance 28.63
Total for 1055 - General Assembly Fund
1075 - Mutual Aid
Beginning Balance 4.50
Total for 1075 - Mutual Aid
1077 - Occupy Boston Radio
Beginning Balance 228.45
Total for 1077 - Occupy Boston Radio
1080 - Wind Turbine Fund
Beginning Balance 871.55
Total for 1080 - Wind Turbine Fund
Total for WePay Accounts
1200 - Prepaid Expenses
Beginning Balance 49.90
Total for 1200 - Prepaid Expenses
2500 - Accrued Expenses
Beginning Balance 800.00
Total for 2500 - Accrued Expenses
3000 - Consented Proposals
Beginning Balance 14,608.01
03/05/2013 Check Mayfirst 1022 - Cash:CPCU Business Checking (0334) (100.00) 14,508.01
03/11/2013 Check 1007 Joe Cugini 1022 - Cash:CPCU Business Checking (0334) (200.00) 14,308.01
03/11/2013 Check ACH Intuit 1022 - Cash:CPCU Business Checking (0334) (42.45) 14,265.56
03/12/2013 Check 1008 Mass Global Action 1022 - Cash:CPCU Business Checking (0334) (2,400.00) 11,865.56
03/13/2013 Check ACH ExtraSpace Storage 1022 - Cash:CPCU Business Checking (0334) (169.00) 11,696.56
03/20/2013 Check ACH Mayfirst 1022 - Cash:CPCU Business Checking (0334) (100.00) 11,596.56
Total for 3000 - Consented Proposals (3,011.45)
Retained Earnings
Beginning Balance 8,094.08
Total for Retained Earnings
4015 - GA Donations
Beginning Balance 192.46
03/05/2013 Deposit 1000 - Cash:Cash Box 43.00 235.46
03/19/2013 Deposit 1000 - Cash:Cash Box 30.00 265.46
Total for 4015 - GA Donations 73.00
4035 - Donors
Beginning Balance 213.00
03/18/2013 Deposit 1000 - Cash:Cash Box 33.00 246.00
Total for 4035 - Donors 33.00
Total for Contributions 106.00
6003 - Donation
Beginning Balance 5,611.00
Total for 6003 - Donation
6007 - Community Space
Beginning Balance 355.46
03/19/2013 Cash Expense Encuentro 5 1000 - Cash:Cash Box 30.00 385.46
Total for 6007 - Community Space 30.00
6010 - Direct Action
6030 - Supplies & Materials
Beginning Balance 250.00
Total for 6030 - Supplies & Materials
6049 - Undocumented
Beginning Balance (16,024.66)
Total for 6049 - Undocumented
Total for 6010 - Direct Action
6099 - Undocumented Community
Beginning Balance (5,624.05)
03/26/2013 Deposit 1000 - Cash:Cash Box (5.60) (5,629.65)
Total for 6099 - Undocumented Community (5.60)
Total for Community 24.40
6201 - Bank Charges
Beginning Balance (30.12)
Total for 6201 - Bank Charges
6205 - Bookkeeping
Beginning Balance 84.90
03/11/2013 Journal Entry 695 Quickbooks
42.45 127.35
Total for 6205 - Bookkeeping 42.45
6210 - Communication
6212 - Data/Internet
Beginning Balance 549.98
03/05/2013 Journal Entry 689 Mayfirst March 2013
100.00 649.98
03/20/2013 Journal Entry 690 Mayfirst 3/27/2013 invoice #4804
100.00 749.98
Total for 6212 - Data/Internet 200.00
Total for 6210 - Communication 200.00
6260 - Rent or Lease
Beginning Balance 483.00
03/13/2013 Journal Entry 696 Extraspace storage
169.00 652.00
Total for 6260 - Rent or Lease 169.00
6299 - Undocumented Infrastructure
Beginning Balance 2,781.01
03/05/2013 Journal Entry 689 Mayfirst March 2013
(100.00) 2,681.01
03/11/2013 Journal Entry 695 Quickbooks
(42.45) 2,638.56
03/13/2013 Journal Entry 696 Extraspace storage
(169.00) 2,469.56
03/20/2013 Journal Entry 690 Mayfirst 3/27/2013 invoice #4804
(100.00) 2,369.56
Total for 6299 - Undocumented Infrastructure (411.45)
Total for Infrastructure 0.00
Working Groups
6360 - Rent or Lease
03/06/2013 Journal Entry 692 Middle east room deposit
200.00 200.00
03/12/2013 Journal Entry 693 OBR - Rental to E5
2,400.00 2,600.00
03/18/2013 Cash Expense Encuentro 5 1000 - Cash:Cash Box 33.00 2,633.00
Total for 6360 - Rent or Lease 2,633.00
6399 - Undocumented WGs
Beginning Balance 6,367.00
03/06/2013 Journal Entry 692 Middle east room deposit
(200.00) 6,167.00
03/12/2013 Journal Entry 693 OBR - Rental to E5
(2,400.00) 3,767.00
Total for 6399 - Undocumented WGs (2,600.00)
Total for Working Groups 33.00
Total for Expenses 57.40
Other Income
7010 - Interest Earned
Beginning Balance 10.46
03/29/2013 Deposit 1023 - Cash:CPCU Business Savings (0326) 2.66 13.12
Total for 7010 - Interest Earned 2.66
Total for Other Income 2.66
Sunday, May 19, 2013 08:17:56 PM PDT GMT-4 - Cash Basis
