Balance Sheet - July 2013
Disclaimer: The amounts for accounts 1005 - 1009B, 1014, 1045 - 1080 are unverified.
OccupyBoston | |
Balance Sheet | |
As of July 31, 2013 | |
Total | |
Current Assets | |
Bank Accounts | |
Cash | |
1000 - Cash Box | 0.00 |
1001 - Decolonize Cash Box | 74.23 |
1002 - Food Cash Box | 0.00 |
1003 - General Assembly Cash Box | 0.00 |
1004 - Laundry Cash Box | 0.00 |
1005 - Legal Cash Box | 295.90 |
1006 - Occupy Boston Radio Cash Box | (7.94) |
1007 - Screen Guild Cash Box | 273.55 |
1008 - Tactical Fund Cash Box | 0.00 |
1009A - Women's Caucus Cash Box | 0.00 |
1009B - FAB | 180.00 |
1010 - Liberty Bay Credit Union, Checking | 0.00 |
1012 - Liberty Bay Credit Union, Savings | 0.00 |
1013 - Liberty Bay Credit Union, Legal | 0.00 |
1014 - Eastern Bank - Boston Occupier | 1,843.61 |
1020 - CPCU Personal Checking (3008) | 0.00 |
1021 - CPCU Personal Savings (2985) | 0.00 |
1022 - CPCU Business Checking (0334) | 0.00 |
1023 - CPCU Business Savings (0326) | 9,175.33 |
Total Cash | $11,834.68 |
WePay Accounts | |
1045 - Boston Occupier | 1,056.45 |
1050 - General Fund | 0.00 |
1055 - General Assembly Fund | 28.63 |
1060 - Generator Fund | 0.00 |
1065 - Greenway Fund | 0.00 |
1070 - Legal Fund | 0.00 |
1075 - Mutual Aid | 4.50 |
1077 - Occupy Boston Radio | 228.45 |
1080 - Wind Turbine Fund | 0.00 |
Total WePay Accounts | $1,318.03 |
Total Bank Accounts | $13,152.71 |
Other current assets | |
1200 - Prepaid Expenses | 49.90 |
1299 - Undeposited Funds | 0.00 |
Total Other current assets | $49.90 |
Total Current Assets | $13,202.61 |
TOTAL ASSETS | $13,202.61 |
Liabilities | |
Current Liabilities | |
Accounts Payable | |
2000 - Accounts Payable | 0.00 |
Total Accounts Payable | $- |
Other Current Liabilities | |
2500 - Accrued Expenses | 800.00 |
3000 - Consented Proposals | 6,086.76 |
3010 - Legal Funds | 0.00 |
Total Other Current Liabilities | $6,886.76 |
Total Current Liabilities | $6,886.76 |
Total Liabilities | $6,886.76 |
Equity | |
Retained Earnings | 8,094.08 |
Net Income | (1,778.23) |
Total Equity | $6,315.85 |
Monday, Sep 02, 2013 01:17:49 PM PDT GMT-4 - Cash Basis |